ALC Ministry Partners
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ALC Ministry Partners

Anchor Lutheran School
Anchor Lutheran School operates as an accredited educational program for children age 3 through the 8th Grade. We are accredited through National Lutheran School Accreditation. In addition to our Kindergarten through 8th Grade classes, program features include full-day Child Care with an Early Childhood Education program for Preschoolers, and Before and After School Child Watch for our elementary level students. Our mission is to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the children and families whom we touch while providing quality, relevant education and Christian awareness, preparing children to become lifelong learners and successful adults.
Learn more here.
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Lutheran Social Services
Our mission is to provide hope by responding to human need through services that sustain and transform lives.
Lutheran Social Services of Alaska is a non-profit social service agency providing aid to low-income individuals and families throughout Alaska. Located in midtown Anchorage, our offices and food pantries serve hundreds of clients every week. Many of our clients live in desperate conditions: some have to make choices between heating their homes or paying for life-sustaining medications, many do not have the funds to purchase enough food, some have no roof over their head, and others suffer from substance abuse, medical issues, or mental health issues. As a partner of the United Way of Anchorage, we gain the opportunity to join with other agencies in addressing urgent human needs throughout the state of Alaska. We are also a member of the Lutheran Services in America, one of largest health and human service organization networks in the nation. In addition, we are supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Alaska Synod (ELCA), the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Northwest District of the LCMS and many caring and concerned congregations and individuals throughout the state and country.
Learn more here.
Lutheran Social Services of Alaska is a non-profit social service agency providing aid to low-income individuals and families throughout Alaska. Located in midtown Anchorage, our offices and food pantries serve hundreds of clients every week. Many of our clients live in desperate conditions: some have to make choices between heating their homes or paying for life-sustaining medications, many do not have the funds to purchase enough food, some have no roof over their head, and others suffer from substance abuse, medical issues, or mental health issues. As a partner of the United Way of Anchorage, we gain the opportunity to join with other agencies in addressing urgent human needs throughout the state of Alaska. We are also a member of the Lutheran Services in America, one of largest health and human service organization networks in the nation. In addition, we are supported by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Alaska Synod (ELCA), the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Northwest District of the LCMS and many caring and concerned congregations and individuals throughout the state and country.
Learn more here.

Alaska Mission for Christ
Alaska Mission for Christ is a nonprofit Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod ministry established to proclaim and practice the love of Jesus in Alaska. Since we believe every Christian is part of the body of Christ, we encourage and equip volunteers to be involved in sharing the Gospel through various Servant Event opportunities.
AMC also partners with the LCMS congregations of Alaska to identify needs, build relationships, and witness throughout the state. Currently, four of Alaska's 13 LCMS congregations have their roots in the ministry of Alaska Mission for Christ.
Learn more here.
AMC also partners with the LCMS congregations of Alaska to identify needs, build relationships, and witness throughout the state. Currently, four of Alaska's 13 LCMS congregations have their roots in the ministry of Alaska Mission for Christ.
Learn more here.

Lutheran Hour Ministries
The LHM Mission:
Bringing Christ to the Nations—and the Nations to the Church
Lutheran Hour Ministries is a trusted resource in global media that equips and engages a vibrant volunteer base to passionately proclaim the Gospel to more than 125 million people worldwide each week. Through its North American headquarters and ministry centers on six continents, LHM reaches into more than 50 countries, often bringing Christ to places where no other Christian evangelistic organizations are present. LHM’s flagship ministry, The Lutheran Hour®, airs weekly on more than 1,800 radio stations and the American Forces Network.
We encourage those people who are reached through these ministry efforts to respond by contacting staff or volunteers. LHM then cultivates relationships with those who respond to ultimately facilitate a relationship between them and a Christian community, thus helping grow the kingdom of God.
Learn more here.
Bringing Christ to the Nations—and the Nations to the Church
Lutheran Hour Ministries is a trusted resource in global media that equips and engages a vibrant volunteer base to passionately proclaim the Gospel to more than 125 million people worldwide each week. Through its North American headquarters and ministry centers on six continents, LHM reaches into more than 50 countries, often bringing Christ to places where no other Christian evangelistic organizations are present. LHM’s flagship ministry, The Lutheran Hour®, airs weekly on more than 1,800 radio stations and the American Forces Network.
We encourage those people who are reached through these ministry efforts to respond by contacting staff or volunteers. LHM then cultivates relationships with those who respond to ultimately facilitate a relationship between them and a Christian community, thus helping grow the kingdom of God.
Learn more here.